
Attention Reach Out and Read
Colorado partner clinics-
Give your waiting room, exam rooms, or book storage a literacy makeover this spring!
Apply by August 1st!
How To
Order Quality Books
Creating a
Literacy-Rich Waiting Room
Provider Resources
Reach Out and Read Training Videos
In The Exam Room:
Talking With Parents About Books
back to birtH
We are excited to offer a new program enhancement at all our partner clinics that allows us to begin serving our communities’ most vulnerable children from day one. When we went 'Back To Birth,' we added 3 additional books at the 1-week, 2-month, and 4-month well-child visits, effectively doubling the impact of Reach Out and Read in the first year of life.
Watch the quick 6-minute Back To Birth training video ➜

Back To Birth
Roll Out
The program enhancement was initially introduced to more than 8,500 infants in Denver Health clinics in the beginning of 2021, in honor of our founder Dr. Steve Vogler. Next, Back To Birth will be introduced to over 70 rural Colorado clinics. We will strategically expand this enhancement statewide to all our partner clinics as funding allows, ultimately investing an additional $500,000 a year in our youngest children.
Interested in bringing this new Back To Birth program enhancement to your Reach Out and Read Colorado partner clinic?
Implementing Back to Birth
Frequently Asked Questions
- Is there a video that I can show my providers to introduce Back To Birth?
Yes. In partnership with two Reach Out and Read providers, we created a short 6-minute intro video that you can either email providers or better yet, use at a staff meeting to celebrate being among the first clinics chosen to receive this enhancement. If possible, please provide the video to your team within three months of receiving the Back To Birth enhancement. - At what well-child visits do children receive these additional books?
1-week or 2-week visit, 2-month visit, 4-month visit - How should I track the books?
Track these books as you normally do with all of your other Reach Out and Read books. Please differentiate between 0-5 month books and 6 month-5 year books when you track. Here are a few printable Book Tracker documents that you can hang wherever you store your books – feel free to use whichever works best for you and your clinic. - How will I report on this data?
Progress report data is collected from sites every 6 months on This data informs how much book funding we provide to you.
* January – June data is provided by a site before September 1st on
* July – December data is provided by a site before March 1st on progress report will ask you to list how many well-child visits were conducted in the above time frames. When providing well-child visit data for 0-5 months, please provide data for the three additional RORCO well-child visits – 1 or 2-week, 2-month, and 4-month. We do not need data regarding weight checks or other visits outside of the RORCO well-child visit setting.
If you need help, your RORCO Regional Coordinator can assist you.
- What languages are available for the Back To Birth books?
Bilingual (Engligh/Spanish) books are available for these visits. See below for recommendations. - What books are given at well-child visits before 6 months?
Board books are best for these new babies. Check out our recommended Back to Birth titles from your Scholastic or All About Books vendor below.
- As of September 2022, RORCO provides all clinics with sufficient funding for books at well-visits from birth to 5.
0-5 Month Book Recommendations
Take 3 minutes to watch this video from author Anna Bardaus before ordering your books!
All About Books - Title Recommendations
Parent-Centered Books:
These books intentionally have more text than your average newborn board book, giving tired parents the tools they need to share their voice with their baby. Both books include diverse characters.
Ten Little Fingers
by Annie Kubler
Item# 3565A
Bilingual Option – Item# 3575A
My Heart Fills With Happiness
by Monique Gray Smith
Item# 6536A
Bilingual Option – n/a
Child-Centered Books:
All three of these books have fewer words that the parent-centered choices above and instead include images of babies or high contrast illustrations that newborns enjoy. Both Hello Baby and Me and You include diverse babies.
Hello Baby: Faces
by Roger Priddy
Item# 5959A
Bilingual Option – n/a
Me and You
by Frida Bing
Item# 3636A
Bilingual Option – n/a
by Lake Press
Item# 6101CQ
Bilingual Option – Item# 6105A
Scholastic - Title Recommendations
Parent-Centered Books:
These three books intentionally have more text than your average newborn board book, giving tired parents the tools they need to share their voice with their baby. All books include diverse characters.
Dance, Dance, Baby!
by Anna Bardaus
Item# 8LU561899
Bilingual Option – n/a
Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star
by Scholastic
Item# 8LU808984
Bilingual Option – Item# 8LU808991
Now That You’re Here
by Linda Mayes
Item# 8OR733155
Child-Centered Books:
All three of these books have fewer words that the parent-centered choices above and instead include diverse images of babies or high contrast illustrations that newborns enjoy.
Love is You and Me
by Anna Bardaus
Item# 8LU588631
Bilingual Option – Item# 8LU588632
Smiley Faces
by Little Faces
Item# 8LU828376
Biligual Option – Item# 8LU828424
Amazing Feelings
by Scholastic
Item# 8LU576710
Bilingual Option – n/a
Start a Program at Your Clinic
Become a Reach Out and Read Partner Clinic
Our program is designed to be integrated quickly and simply into your practice; we’re always excited to add new pediatric professionals to our network and serve more families. If you are interested in learning more about the Reach Out and Read model and becoming a partner clinic, please email Jessie Chase, our Director of Programs, or click here to get started.