Join Reach Out and Read Colorado on Colorado Gives Day- December 7th!
Can you believe it? Colorado Gives Day is right around the corner on Tuesday, December 7th.
Colorado Gives Day is a statewide movement to increase online giving, powered by Community First Foundation and FirstBank. It is one the most successful movements of its kind in the nation. Last year, over $50 million was raised to build up Colorado communities on this one day!
Join Reach Out and Read Colorado on December 7th to support Colorado’s youngest children, and ensure that each and every one of them has an equal chance at success, in school and in life!

“My favorite book is ‘Don’t Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus,’ which I got from Reach Out and Read Colorado at the doctor when I was five. It makes me laugh and makes me feel like I’m in the story and the pigeon is really talking to me.
Reading makes me feel confident. Usually I feel nervous to read a new book I’ve never read before, but by the end of the story I feel confident in myself.”
Here are all the ways you can Support
Reach Out and Read this Colorado Gives Day:
- Schedule your donation. You can schedule your donation any time between now and Colorado Gives Day here.
- Share a story about what reading means to you and share/tag us on social media.
- Support Reach Out and Read Colorado on Colorado Gives Day – Tuesday, December 7.