"I cannot even begin to describe the success our Reach Out and Read program has been."

“I initially participated in Reach Out and Read as a resident and had always wanted to have this program in my office. Then, when the pandemic began, I had hoped that more time at home might provide a unique opportunity for parents to spend quality time with their children and develop a love of reading. Unfortunately, we found that screen time and streaming services took precedence and children were not asking parents to read to them.
That is when we decided to act, partnering with Reach Out and Read Colorado to provide books to our patients that were being pulled deeper into the void of streaming, streaming, streaming. Television leaves little to the imagination, but reading a book to a child is engaging both for the reader and for the listener. Both must use their imaginations to see the story being laid out in front of them. It is an active and interactive process, and it is much more enjoyable for both reader and listener.
The gently-used bookshelf in our waiting room is well positioned at the clinic entrance/exit so patients cannot help but notice. The books are at eye level for toddlers and preschoolers, drawing their eyes to the colorful illustrations and capturing their attention. There is no better feeling than when you see the look of pure joy in the eyes of a child as they pull that book from the rack and realize that it is theirs to take it home. My own love of books has always brought me a deep sense of joy and to be able to give that joy to a child is a wonderful thing.
I cannot tell you how happy these books make the kids, and our staff by extension. I am so happy to be part of this program!”