Colorado Gives Day 2018 | Support Reach Out and Read Colorado

For the ninth year, Colorado Gives Day will spotlight philanthropy and community good on Tuesday, December 4, 2018. This is an effort to support Colorado nonprofits and online giving where members of the community make donations to their favorite causes during this 24-hour period, generating a profound collective impact. Last year, more than $33 million was donated by generous residents of our state on this day alone.

The power of imagination awakens during story time, think of the terrible roars, mashing teeth, rolling eyes and terrible claws of the wild things, a storm of pancakes with a downpour of maple syrup that floods the tiny town of Chewandswallow, the splash, splosh of bear hunting, or a bear in green overalls button hunting after the toy store closes for the night.

[su_quote]The power of imagination awakens during story time, think of the terrible roars, mashing teeth, rolling eyes and terrible claws of the wild things, a storm of pancakes with a downpour of maple syrup that floods the tiny town of Chewandswallow, the splash, splosh of bear hunting, or a bear in green overalls button hunting after the toy store closes for the night.[/su_quote]

Reading aloud with a young child helps them use their imaginations to explore people, places, times, and events beyond their own experiences. Reading as an imaginative activity opens doors to new worlds and creates an equitable opportunity for adventure. Imagination is a powerful tool and reading aloud feeds and nurtures the capacity to dream as readers are transported from the couch or bus, into the story in hand.

[su_pullquote align=”right”]We are thrilled to release our newest video production today, on Colorado Gives Day! Watch as incredible team members from Bruner Family Medicine Center along with Reach Out and Read Colorado decision makers, connected by the power of reading, share personal stories of imagination, opportunity, wonder, curiosity, happiness, and more.[/su_pullquote]

With your help, Reach Out and Read Colorado provides stories, opportunity, and wonder to young children across Colorado. And, for many of the children we serve, the book they receive from their trusted health care provider is the first book they have ever owned, the first story of many in their life literary journey.

This year, you have the chance to illuminate imagination for some of the youngest children in Colorado. Your donation will purchase high-quality, age-appropriate books for children who need them most. And, for many of the children we serve, the book they receive from their trusted health care provider is the first book they have ever owned, the first story of many in their life literary journey. The truth is, when we all play a role in helping others, our community grows vibrant and robust. Big or small, gifts of any amount harness the power of imagination for good.

Together, we will inspire the next generation to explore new ideas for a better world. Your gift today helps grow the imaginations of Colorado youth across our state, and the growth of imagination leads to grander ideas and better solutions for our collective future.

Please join our effort and schedule your tax-deductible gift now or donate HERE on Tuesday, December 4th, 2018.

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