Reach Out and Read Colorado would like to give a shout out to Lindee at North Colorado Family Medicine. Lindee has been the Site Coordinator at her clinic for 6 years and is known for her tremendous book organization method.
Lindee has found the perfect way to track books for her clinic. She has a special Reach Out and Read Colorado notebook where she tracks all the books for each nurse’s station. She has a column for the books that they have left over at the end of the month and the number of books she needs to grab from storage. She adds them up, goes to the basement where there are large shelves with books organized by age group, and she goes “shopping!” Lindee fills her cart with the books that each station needs and puts them in their labeled baskets. She often gets the nickname of “Book Lady” while pushing her cart around, but she doesn’t mind!
“I love helping organize the books, and I always keep an adequate stock available for the Medical Assistants to quickly and easily choose from. We have developed a system where each age group has a basket located in a cabinet. Each basket is labeled with the age group (0-12 month, 12-18 month, 18-24 month, etc), and we start each month with 20 books in each basket. The MA can easily find the appropriate book to give to the provider before a well child check. I restock at the end of the month and keep a spreadsheet of books given out, so I have a good idea of inventory when it is time to order.
Our clinic loves the Reach Out and Read program!”
– Lindee, Site Coordinator, North Colorado Family Medicine, Greeley